The benefits of hiring a diverse workforce are well documented. But before you can make any progress towards creating a more inclusive organization, it’s essential to audit your current process for hiring diverse talent. An important part of this process is identifying the obstacles impeding your ideal goal. At what stage is the problem located? Is it a sourcing issue or are you losing candidates along the way?
Next, identify the metrics you want to improve. The easiest way to improve the D&I outcomes of your hiring processes is to choose one metric at a time and focus on driving change. For example: Increase the percentage of women in software development roles by 15 percent within the next six months.
After you have executed your actions towards a more inclusive TA process, whether through dedicated campaigns and landing pages to engage underrepresented groups or by using AI to focus on skills and reduce biases that might be embedded in your current processes, go back to the metric and goal you identified for hiring diverse talent. Assess if you reached your goal. Evaluate which strategies were effective, and which ones weren’t, and re-iterate your process. Only once you see true results can you consider your next objective.
By breaking down progress and holding your organization accountable for incremental steps, you’re much more likely to ingrain the process of hiring diverse employees into your talent acquisition organization. And having access to real-time data that demonstrates the progress you have made towards creating an inclusive culture will keep motivation up.