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Key HR Trends for 2024: AI, Skills and a New Paradigm in HR

In the fast-paced world of HR, staying informed is a strategic imperative. Tap into the key drivers shaping talent best practices and corporate dynamics in 2024 in an exciting conversation between Avature CEO Dimitri Boylan and Lighthouse Research CRO Ben Eubanks.

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Watch this webinar to see how these industry experts decode the HR trends you need to be aware of this year. Be prepared to understand the forces at play and discover how to navigate change effectively. You don’t want to miss it!

In this session, you will:

  • Position yourself at the forefront of HR trends for sustained success.
  • Discover how the role of HR is changing and the best ways to harness this shift by fostering creativity and adaptability.
  • After being named Word of the Year in 2023, learn why AI will reach the peak of its hype cycle this year. Our speakers will also debate how HR leaders can best harness the opportunity this technology represents.
  • Skills have been coined the currency of talent in recent years. Hear more about the benefits of employing a skills-based approach and how it can help you hire for potential.

Unlock this chance to learn first-hand from two thought leaders about the trends shaping the future of work.


Ben Eubanks

Chief Research Officer

Dimitri Boylan

CEO & Founder

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