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Achieving PIPL Compliance With Avature

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Are you recruiting or managing talent in China?

If so, the PIPL (effective date November 1, 2021) has a significant impact on your business practices. As China’s most comprehensive law in the personal information protection field so far, the PIPL aims to “protect the personal information rights and interests of individuals,” “regulate personal information processing activities,” and “promote a reasonable use of personal information.”

Applicable to organizations and individuals who process the personal information (PI) of Chinese citizens both within and outside the territory of China, the PIPL reflects the growing international consensus with respect to the protection of the privacy of individuals. Organizations that fail to adhere to the legal regime will face serious corrective actions, including penalties and fines (up to 50 million RMB or five percent of an organization’s annual revenue), confiscation of illegal income, and suspension of services.

Is your company prepared to avoid the costly consequences of non-compliance?

Listen back to our webinar in which Vincezo Fiocco (Product Marketing Specialist) was joined by Pillar Legal’s data privacy experts Greg Pilarowski (Founder) and Ziwei Zhu (Associate). Expert to learn:

  • Guiding principles of the PIPL.
  • The potential impact of the PIPL on your business.
  • HR challenges and opportunities.

Our experts also provided actionable tips on how Avature can help you achieve compliance as an entrusted personal information processor, and much more!


Vincenzo Fiocco

Product Marketing Specialist

Avature logo.

Greg Pilarowski


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Ziwei Zhu


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