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In this e-book you’ll find how to:

  • Target candidates using SMS.
  • Deliver an effective engagement strategy.
  • Implement best practices when texting candidates.
  • Make all candidate touchpoints mobile-friendly.

SMS may seem outdated and obsolete, but getting in touch with candidates via message is picking up speed. An SMS is just the right length for a short and sharp call-to-action.  Everyone is plugged into their phones these days and 90 percent of leads prefer to be texted rather than called. By reaching out to candidates using their preferred channel, recruiters increase their chances of cutting through the noise and connecting with candidates.

Text messages should be used in conjunction with emails and phone calls for maximum impact.

Let’s make sure your message cuts through the noise

Speedy responses via text can create a positive candidate experience, giving them immediate visibility and more control in an otherwise uncertain situation. Texting candidates may seem straightforward, but it requires all CRM components to be mobile-friendly for the call-to-action to be effective. Just as 60 percent of job seekers have walked away from slow and complex online applications, they will ignore text messages that are not part of a seamless mobile experience.

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