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Download this e-book and discover how to:

  • Grow and nurture your talent pool with suitable candidates.
  • Craft engaging content that will attract active and passive talent alike.
  • Use recruitment marketing software to engage effortlessly with potential talent.
  • Achieve efficient delivery and avoid landing in the spam box.
  • Identify the right KPIs to check the effectiveness of your email marketing for recruitment campaigns.
  • Continuously optimize recruitment marketing campaigns with data gathered in each round and boost ROI.

You’ve got mail! A guide to effective recruitment email marketing campaigns that keep top talent engaged and your talent pipeline ready to fill your next batch of open positions.

As a recruiter, you’re competing for your potential candidates’ attention, and you’re up against everything from the football game to their following holidays. Why would (or should) a passive candidate pay more attention to your content over anyone else’s?

This is where the art of advertising for recruitment comes in, and one of the more powerful tools is effective email marketing writing – it is your not-so-secret weapon in the never-ending struggle to engage passive talent and ensure your talent brand remains front of mind.

Did you know you are six times more likely to get a click-through from an email campaign than a tweet? Let’s ensure your message cuts through the noise of a full inbox, so you can capture leads, boost engagement, and hire faster.

Keep in mind it all comes down to understanding your audience and not just blindly sending job offers: use our best practices to ensure candidates stop, open your email and take a closer look at the career opportunities you offer.

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